Monday, May 2, 2016

First full day in progress!

Well, it's been a wild (and expensive) ride these past few weeks. Selling a lot of our stuff off, trading some things for smaller things (our huge mixer for a smaller, and our 42" LED TV for a 27"), and then moving a lot more stuff into a storage unit that we're not quite ready to get rid of just yet.

Then working on the RV, changing the oil, replacing a push rod that was very bent, replacing the battery, and cleaning the roof. Moving the stuff we need, and probably a bunch of stuff we don't, into the RV.

Then, yesterday's debacle that will now need to be resolved before we can truly launch.

Today, we are relaxing. Princess, Goober, and I (Arathi) went down to the beach, which is a block away from our RV, and played in the sand, while Mylaela sorted the RV, and got more things out away.

Our family member has a nifty backyard that is separated into two yards, one for her, and one for the basement suite. So we're using the other side, which on these hot days, is very nicely shaded. It also provides us with our own space, and privacy. Something that is very important when dealing with in-laws who are accustomed to having their own space alone!

We were able to even obtain a large dog crate to put the cats in so they can enjoy the outdoors as well. We're buying new harnesses and leashes for the tomorrow, but this crate will be perfect for when we want to put them outside, and not have to untangle them constantly.

All in all, despite the few issues we've had, there are absolutely no regrets, and we are excited to start this journey!

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