Monday, March 16, 2015

Well, that was unexpected... WTF Google +?

So, I do not use Google+, in fact, I thought I had deleted it when I was given one after needing to sign up with my email address in order to continue using this blog.

I just got this email, clicked the link and it basically added photos from my trip, along with locations.

Some of the pictures that were in this "story" where not even uploaded to blogger. They're on my phone, and that's it. Now I need to figure out how they did this as I don't even have this specific email address (I have multiple email addresses because I like separation of lives) connected to my phone.

I deleted the story, and now to research. If I want to publish a story with my pics, I'll do it myself thank you very much. That's why I have a blog. I really despise that Google keeps trying to force their crappy social network down our throats.


  1. Oh! I feel your pain. It seems like google and facebook own the internet. There's no way out. and anything you try to do to get out will only screw up your other IDs and make things more difficult.

    Big Brother is definitely watching.

  2. It's brutal. the thing that really bothers me is that there were pictures my wife sent me yesterday of her and my daughter together that didn't get uploaded to blogger in it.

    Since I have never logged into this blog from this particular phone and the associated email address isn't used on it either, it's rather concerning...
