Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Winter seems to show the slow down of blogging

I just went through the list of blogs I follow, and I have only about four that have posted in the past month, and then others that have not posted in five months or more, and two that, while still being listed, no longer exist.

It got me thinking, someone posted anonymously something along the lines of, "Another blog bites the dust." a few weeks back, but only thought about looking into it now. My blog, gentle readers will not be biting the dust anytime soon, just slower posts because I am not in the van, but I do hope to get it upgraded soon... or buy a RoadTrek. Honestly, reading Glenn's Blog, and also seeing the RoadTrek vans really make me want to think everything over, and plan properly, and wait.

The van as it is now, is in use, but I kinda want it back so I can do a little winter camping with the family, and go out to the mountains. Eventually. My friend should (hopefully) be able to get into city housing December 1st, but as of right now, he is mobile.

Curiosity strikes me, those who read this that are blogging about similar things, do you slow down in the winter because you find a stick built for the winter, or do you slow down because you're out being a snowbird somewhere and don't have access to the Internet? Or are you giving up on the dream? Or maybe like me, and bideing your time to upgrade?


  1. Great Questions!
    I wonder if part of the dream of traveling is also finding a location that draws in our soul to find roots. I read inspiring blogs like "A Guy, A Dog, A Rig and A Dream" and his last post is titled "It feels like home".
    Perhaps the thrill of wanderlust is as strong as the yearning for rooted community?


  2. Hey there Ish, I would tend to agree! Although many choose that nomadic life, we still want to have those roots. Perhaps that is why there is a whole desert community on an abandoned military base where people live who are technically mobile!

  3. I too have slowed my blogging down. Where I live I have had a wealth of warm weather, it should be in the 40's but has been nice. I have been getting my sticks and bricks ready for the winter, firewood, windows, and so forth. Now I will start again getting rid of things so I can try a full timeing life.
