Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Possible comeback?

So it's been over two years since my last post and a lot has happened in that time.

I got married, and had a beautiful baby girl come into my life, changed careers over to a new company, and make better money now. Recently bought an SUV, and live on a three acre acreage that we are renting an hours drive from the city.

Still, we're sadly watching our money vanish into someone's equity that is not ours. My wife has already stated she doesn't ever really want to buy a house as she doesn't like the idea of being stuck in a mortgage on a single piece of land for the rest of her life.

Today, while driving into the city to go to work, my wife mentioned how she had been thinking about my idea of living full-time in an RV, and that the more she thinks about it, the more she wants to do more research into it, and figure out if it would actually be feasible.

After all, the company I work for prides itself on remote collaboration, and I work in an area that doesn't interface with customers. I could theoretically work 100% remote, which would permit us to wander, giving our family new experiences and a well rounded, happy life full of adventure!

Well, I myself am cautiously optimistic. While it is something I would LOVE to do having lived in my van and enjoyed the freedom it afforded me. My wife is a city girl, still getting used to living in the country. She's accustomed to living in houses that are too big, and having more stuff than she needs. For example, the closet is filled with her clothes, many of which I have never seen her wear in the nearly four years we have been together.

Shortly before this post, my wife texted me saying that she feels that we should really look into this seriously. That was after I sent her some links to blogs and websites of families already living the lifestyle.

We have a year on our current lease, so we have a year to planning to see if this is something we can actually do. I promise to do my best to keep up with our progress on here for others to read about as they consider making their own step into full time RV life.


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